by Cheryl Joor & Kathryn Wallis
F.A.Q.(Or random questions you might want to know the answers to)
Ahem. Here's the long awaited FAQ. Now I don't know if you were *actually* waiting, but there you be. More questions? Email me! Cherylkat AT neb DOT rr DOT com ^^
- Where's Kathryn Wallis????? (the artist!)
This one I bet is the number one on most of your minds. The long and short of it: Kathryn and I live in different parts of the world. I live in the Mid-west USA and she lives in England. So us meeting face to face online is hard to do with our work schedules. I used to see her over the weekends, but that hasn't happened in a while. It's hard to get emails from her as well, as she's busy. Her life isn't pristine, like most of ours, and gets hectic. They've had computer problems (aka modems dying and computers freezing up), and her husband is having issues with finding work. She's tired most of the time when she gets home and has no inspiration to draw. I don't force artists, no matter how much I like their work. So I take over until she feels like it again. She's actually still following along and likes it so far. So that's why. :D Don't like it? Sorry. ^^
- Why is Cheryl's art so sub-par compared to Kathryn's and Zina's?
You may have been afraid to ask this. :P So I'm answering it anyhow. I'm extremely self taught, meaning only about September 2003 did I decide "hey, I want to draw things!" and started soliciting tutorials, advice and studying from fellow artists. To name a few: Kathryn Wallis, Angela Beaman (creator of Furfire : http://www.furfire.org), Allie Manydeeds (aka Zina, an awesome guest artist and creator of cool stuff like CLAD: http://clad.comicgenesis.com/), Amber Panyko (creator of DMFA: http://www.missmab.com), and HollyAnn (art can be seen linked from here: http://www.ki-tera.com/hollyann/). Since I also work full time and have other things that I do irl, I don't spend a whole lot of time perfecting my artness, thus it's kind of a slow progression. I am getting better though, you *don't* want to see my early attempts. :P
- Why don't you get a regular artist to do your comic then?
Firstly: Other artists have stuff they do too. While I'm immensely grateful that Zina chose to help me out with some comicness, there's no way that she'd have time to do mine, her own art, and her own comic too. So why would any other artist? I'm not about to harass artists to give up their time to do my comic that they may not even be interested in. :P Secondly: I don't have money to pay people to do art. *g* I don't and I don't expect to make money off of doing this comic, it's purely for fun. ^^ Thirdly: I create my own 'lag' by not having a backlog. *g* I'd hate to be waiting on someone else time and time again if they get held up in addition to my own lag.
- Well ok then, do you expect your art to get better then?
YES. :P It's just going to take time.
- Why did you use your own 'furrsonas' in the comic?
Why not? We didn't have any other decent premise, and at least we both knew what would happen should our characters actually meet. *g*
- Can I be in your comic?
Likely no. Unless I feel like it. You can ask if you like, but in this comic, your character might not behave like you'd think. And if for some reason I do 'borrow' someone elses' character for a cameo or the like, they behave like I want them to, not scripted by said person. That's just the way it be. Which is why I'm not offering 'cameos' for people's chars. *g*
- Please please please PLEASE?
Begging and pleading or making random insinuations 'my character would be cool doing this' . . . will just become annoying and then you'll just be ignored. Or I'll find a way to make fun of you. :P
- Where'd the forums go??
Good question. Wish I knew. The forums were run by Kathryn's hubby, Neil and they disappeared the same time my own webpage disappeared from the face of the internets. Which was also hosted by Neil. Neil had problems with the host, and the host deleted a bunch of stuff, and is not able to be contacted. Forums go boom. Anyone know better ones? *shrug*
- Can I link to you? Will you link back?
I like links! Please link! :) And you know what, I'll link back if I like your comic/website. Granted, I have to have time to actually *look* at it, so don't get too bothersome. I'm busy x.x But I do like links and people that link to me tend to get links back. :P
- So, why is it a furry/anthro comic?
Because we both like cute fuzzy things. :P And anthros are fun, way more interesting than humans, since irl we both *have* to be humans. Forestcat: I'm actually more of an anthro artist and fan of the furry fandom than anything else. I don't fursuit (but I'd like ears and a tail seriously ^^), and I don't really think I am a cat, but I do like them and I like the furry fandom. I don't yiff or have any weird fetishes either. *g* So I don't know if you'd call that *true furry* but eh. :)
- What if I have more questions?
Email me. Address is above. Don't be afraid, I'm actually a very nice person. ^^The Silver Birch Forest
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